Style Metrics

Style Metrics

It wasn’t until I got further down the library stacks, and catacombs of scholastic studies plus popular culture material about Shakespeare that I figured out some of my own prose style.

Digging through my archives, I was looking for a specific Shakespeare quote I’m sure I’ve used as a weekly introduction, and I happened across some of my material that is decades old. I noticed two textual mistakes, not typos, but structural repetitions that are unnecessary. This is material that is old, presumably out-of-date, so I leave the mistakes where they are.

The recent spate of scholastic, scholarly, computer-aided analysis of Shakespeare texts, which have broadened the accepted canon, brought up fascinating points about my own work.

Style Metrics

The term I heard, read, but also heard in some circles? Stylemetry or stylometrics, as a quantifiable elements of a particular author’s style. Gratefully, I’ve long-held my own style, rampant with its run-ons, dangling modifiers, and other assorted grammatical oddities. Errors?

I tend towards “spit and post,” because, it is a weekly column. It does get more than one set of eyeballs to spot deficiencies, but that doesn’t always work.

It was Shakespeare and stylometrics that got me looking at the substance of the style.

Style Metrics

Think I’ve got style covered. However, an early observation, my personal “style” tends to reflect whatever I’m reading at the time. Lots of newspaper-type of journalism? I err towards concise fact delivery with as little liberal spin as possible. I do veer left, but just a little. I got one toe over the line, dear sweet Jesus, one toe over the line.

A couple of my favorite authors tend towards long sentences. Long, meandering, nuanced, metaphorical, prose that conveys inflection and reflection, rather than stating the obvious, with a definite destination, but the route itself shaded by pieces that create an annoyingly long sentence structure, obfuscated by vocabulary and tangential expressions of extant energies.

All depends.

Still, if subjected to a computer-based analysis, which, since everything is online, I’m sure this has happened, my own style, despite other attempts, would be obvious.

All started with listening to Shakespeare, read aloud.

BareFoot Astrology – Kramer Wetzel

Bare Foot Astrology

Revenge Rerun

Revenge Rerun

“6. The best way of avenging thyself is not to do likewise.”

Marcus Aurelius, Book 6

The best revenge is not to be like that.

(Just can’t quite get a consistent quotation.)



Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius (Loeb Classical Library)

Delphi Complete Works of Marcus Aurelius – Marcus Aurelius

Meditations – Marcus Aurelius & Gregory Hays

Meditations: A New Translation (Modern Library)

As always a free version is hosted on right here.



EDC and chopping

EDC and chopping

Previously noted, I recently happened across a near-perfect container that fits inside an existing container, to contain material that I like corralled.

So the deal is, was, as of now, I’m doing “virtual” events but not in person yet. Schedule is still “up in the air.” So other than sneaking out to the lake and the river to fish, no big fishing trips, either, as I’ve heard — not substantiated — that the waters are closed to casual fisher people.

That means the demand for an Every Day Carry is currently quite limited, but that hasn’t stopped me from spending idle moments, looking on Amazon, then Etsy, or scouring leather websites, looking for that perfect gear.

I finally paused, late one night, awake but tired, wondering why I was looking to replace stuff that I have, and that I am not currently using. Not going anywhere. No plans. No foreseeable future. At some point, sure places will open up again, but thus far? Not a thing.

Along a similar vein, I noticed that an old, former favorite — Teva — had a sale on their original model. The flip-flop with a strap to hold it in place, originally, a river guide shoe. Wore them for years. Loved that first model style, a simple flip-flop with an ankle strap. Remarkably effective.

From a design and implementation, use and user perspective? It was a perfect answer, perfect footwear that would never need to be improved.

The march of progress, and I switched over to locally sourced Piper Sandals about the time I realized I was burning through a pair of Teva sandals every year or so, the Teva production, back then, had been out-sourced to some third-world backwater sweatshop. Not to besmirch the seasonal river-guide business in Colorado, either.

I wear Piper Sandals almost exclusively these days. Still, paused long enough to look, those Teva (old school) were on sale for, like $50.

I suppose, I don’t need to fix anything here. Shopping is not the same as a buying. I’m extremely happy with what I have. Grateful, even.

EDC and chopping

Not sure how much longer this will go on. Walk well. Wave at the neighbors from a safe distance.

Two-Meat Tuesday


Two-Meat Tuesday – Kramer Wetzel

Two-Meat Tuesday: Astrofish.Net/Xenon


Six Years

Six Years

Six Years, 9 months. Tuesday at the rock shop in Austin, just shy of the seven year mark. I was last there in early March, moments before the beginning of the end.

In strictly astrological terms, I use the analogy about Saturn, while Saturn’s orbit is more like 30 years, from an earthly perspective, the cycle tends to favor the 28-year mark. Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Janice Joplin, Jim Morrison — always the popular examples. Amy Winehouse, in more recent experience?

Dig back, and streaming, someplace, is a movie called “The Seven Year Itch.” based on a stage play. Based on taking that 28-year Saturn cycle and breaking it into quarters.

So this is a transition point for me. Part of Saturn’s cycle, and time to decide.

Wrestling this kind of question in words, in print, that helps me think more clearly about an issue, like working at the rock shop. To be fair, I’m technically a free-lance, in-house practitioner. House gets a percentage. It’s more than fair, the store bears the burden of set-up, advertising, and dealing with my crap, yes, only fair for them to get a piece of the action.

There’s something about being at the old Army-Navy store that became an Academy (Sports and Outdoors), that mutated into the current, largest, metaphysical and mineral source in the southwest. Outside of the big shows, Nature’s Treasures has to be one of the largest, if not largest, outlet of its ilk.

I tried weekends and holidays but what worked best? Alternate Tuesday. Then, as I’ve oft-stated, it’s about “roots,” my time spent in old South Austin, old East Austin, and the flying in and out of the old airport. My personal history runs deep.

Six Years

With the recent outbreak of virus, or the spread, or whatever? The local promoter I work with, she’s provided an illusion of safety in the form of a “splash guard.” My table has a 2 x 3 foot piece of quarter-inch tempered glass anchored between me and the clients. One chair not two, and strictly enforced limit on the number of people in the ballroom at a time. Local and federal, CDC, State of Texas, Bexar County, City of San Antonio, all guidelines are enforced.

This local event is technically a private gathering, and as such, the promoter can mandate masks, like Shakespeare said.

I’ve stayed in contact with my friends and business associates at the rock shop. I miss hugs and being treated like a brass pole, but I don’t miss not breathing.

The last correspondence suggested that I would wait and reassess in August. Tentative arrangements include the rock shop moving forward in September. I should be able to make it then, see what happens. In the meantime, behind plated glass, and under mask, I’m still “live” in San Antonio, alternate Sundays.

Price Selection

Price Selection

Having safely made it this far? I’m more circumspect and err on the side of caution. When it appears to be safe again, I’ll happily return to being my usual self in Austin’s rock shop. Until then? I’m still available by phone.

The most up-to-date information is always on the website’s schedule,

Two-Meat Tuesday


Two-Meat Tuesday – Kramer Wetzel

Two-Meat Tuesday: Astrofish.Net/Xenon

San Pedro Creek (temporarily free e-book)

