Old Brilliance

Old Brilliance

Poking through the archives, I found an old entry that summed it up best, and that’s over a decade old, now:

“The message, if it isn’t clear, there’s only so much time that can be spent languishing in the past and reveling in the good, old days. As I’ve pointed out so often, the purpose of these mercurial periods are about reflection of, not gerrymandering in, the past.”

Source: Horoscopes for 12-27-2012

    “… the purpose of these mercurial periods are about reflection of, not gerrymandering in, the past.”

This is also a perfect example of mining the past, but I make a sincere effort not to gerrymander my own history.

Pursuant to the previous notice, and what I’m working within structure and frame work?

However, the short text serves well as a reminder, and a fruitful way to approach the next few days, the first two weeks, essentially, of this “new year.”

Old Brilliance

“Hindsight is such a cruel bitch.”

“Don’t judge: I’m working on it.”

“Mars goes into Gemini August 20 and turns retrograde from October 30 to January 10, 2023, not emerging from Gemini until March 24, 2023.”

mrx alt

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