Sea of Tranquility

Sea of Tranquility

From a quick, sloth-like search on the internet-web, I’m guessing the author is an elder millennial. I was much impressed — and entertained — with her Station Eleven, and from what I understand of the economics and mechanics, the limited edition TV thing makes for financial success. Other books, but only recently did this new release catch my attention. Saw it on sale in the book section at the Costco. Means it’s a big seller. Got a digital library copy.

Touted as Science Fiction, that’s only the loosest of terms. I seem to recall similar, haunting prose from earlier pulp authors where the veil between science fiction and fantasy seemed thinner; there was less definition.

Light and airy, seamed between the past, the present, and the future, writing about pandemics, and various times lines, plus bureaucracy? The quality of the text is inspiring. Evocative voice, and one I am not sure I recognize from that previous work.

But the prose itself, the storytelling, is lyrical and poetic, and yet, and yet, it is a story as old as time itself. It’s an ouroboros, elliptical and yet, circular, still, consuming its own tale.

Entertaining, and thought-provoking, and little slices of time. Science Fiction, but only in the most general of terms. Reminded me of vintage Bradbury, but only as an echo, no direct lineage.

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Previously, Station Eleven.

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