Holy Espresso

Holy Espresso

Holy EspressoOfficially, it’s Holy Spirit Espresso. There was a short wait for Tia Sophia’s, and I grabbed a short shot of morning coffee — Holy Espresso.

There’s limite signage outside the nook. Kiosk.

Closeted location? Not sure what to call it.

It’s a space not much larger than walk-in closet, two blocks west of the Santa Fe Square. “Since 1993,” or something like that. The coffee is universally good, made with care, and there was a notice up, something about closing, for good, in 2022.

“30 years, think I can retire now,” he said.

Subsumed bug “progress,” and it isn’t the first recent victim. Still, there’s a historical resilience some places show, parts of Santa Fe stubbornly refuse to give it. Seen in Austin and San Antonio, too, although, less these days as time marches forward.

Holy Espresso

Holy Espresso
Tassomancy or tassography is the art of reading tea leaves and coffee grinds. I was unsure of what the hidden meaning was in the bottom of my cup.


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