Content Collaborator

Content Collaborator

Hi there,

I’m Laura from Superserp and am emailing to ask whether you would be willing to accept an article for your site

I have been looking for relevant sites to use for a current sports betting campaign that I am running, as well as building relationships with web-masters.

I feel that your site would be a good match.

If this is something that interests you please get in touch and we can go into more detail about what I am looking for and offer compensation for you.

I would really appreciate it if you could get back to me regarding this opportunity as soon as possible, as I have a very tight deadline to work towards.

Looking forward to hearing back from you!


Laura Hall
Digital Media Agent

I like the phrasing, and then, I like that I was approached. Annoyed me, but it does mean that I’m being found. This is not the first, nor the second time this has happened, unsolicited offers for paid placement. I first took that kind of money maybe more than a decade back. It was material inserted into some of the site’s static text. The original contract – which I declined – was “in perpetuity” – evergreen – which meant the text was supposed to last forever. That snippet containted a link that helped build, according the to standards at the time, Search Engine Placement, looking for that elusive front page on Google. My renegotiated contract had a limit of five years.

After the requisite time, I took the text out and forgot about it, not worth the amount of bit-twiddling for the dollars received.

The part that does annoy me, more so that just an unsolicited offer, the complete lack of understanding of what the target – me – and my sites, what they are all about.

Zero research.

Which gives me the right to mock the sender on the internet.

Sports betting?


Have you looked at my site? Any clues that perhaps I’m not a sports betting person? That my clientele isn’t into that, as well?

Paid placements are tricky, and for several years, I haven’t run any, maybe since before the laws changed, even. Value for effort, doesn’t equal out. Then, too, there’s always an implied contract that I write horoscopes, and anything I deem as “good,” is, in fact, a product I’ve tasted, touched, or used. Preferably, “experiential.”

“It’s how we roll.”

    I’m allowed two sports prognostications each year, Spurs and Cowboys. Where I live? I’d better not predict any thing else.

Go Spurs Go.

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