ZZ Top

ZZ Top Tribute

My musical selection is strange, at times, and I consider it an obligation to screw up those computer algorithms that try to match my tastes.

Over the years, I’ve accumulated then re-acquired most of the ZZ Top canon. Seminal band, still a three-chord band, from Texas. Three guys, still together.

Think I had Tres Hombres as a cassette, early on. I was an impressionable child.

So I was idly listening while songs cycled through. There’s a cool album I acquired someplace, current metal bands doing a tribute to The Top, while, a few years ago, it was “pop country,” and a tribute to The Top.

While the overall genre of popular music is the same, that’s about the only connection. Post-modern metal and hot country.

That’s a target. Influences across a number of different genres. Not just one group paid homage. Metal. Country. Wow. They admited it themselves, “Three chords Blues band from Houston.”

ZZ Top had a new album a few months back, and I anted up for it. I can’t subjectively pass comments because the music is mingled in the blender with the other ZZ Top songs.

As near as I can hear, it’s true, three chord, blues, the old guys sound a little more gravelly, over four decades, the sound is older, but the chord remains same.

Same sound, new tunes, don’t change something that ain’t broke.

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