Mercury Retrograde and Bloodletting

Mercury Retrograde and Bloodletting
I ignore my own astrological advice at my own peril.

My horoscope carried the warning that “Mars Square Pluto” and I ignored it.

The morning dawned muggy and cool, the sun was harsh and bright by 8 or so, and I was rummaging through a cupboard, and I picked up a glass bowl, looking for something behind it. Bowl shattered. Slit my wrist. Better yet, I didn’t notice for a few minutes, blood doesn’t show up on some of my shirts. Blood was everywhere.

No damage.

Nicked an artery, I mean it was dripping, gushing. Barely a scrape.

I ignore my own astrological advice at my own peril.

Later the same morning, taking the trash out, I stepped on a shard of glass. Not from the broken bowl, but outside, on the drive. I hobbled around. I tried digging the tiny glass chip out, but no luck.

Showered, and tried again, but still no success, even got out a razor sharp knife and tried to cut it out. No luck. I gave up and kept working, then took another stab at it, squeezing the shard’s position. I scraped the edge of the knife’s point, and that glass fragment popped out.

Wasn’t an issue, not really.

I ignore my own astrological advice at my own peril.

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  • rhubarb Apr 9, 2011 @ 12:00

    Ouch and ouch! Two events–gemini involved somewhere? Astrologer, guide thyself! I suppose you’ve had your tetanus shot?