July 21, 2024 at the Eagles Nest in San Antonio

July 21, 2024 at the Eagles Nest in San Antonio

Eagles Nest
1235 Basse Rd
San Antonio, TX 78212
Store phone: 210-354-7343
11 AM – 5 PM

July 21, 2024 at the Eagles Nest in San Antonio

Sunday in San Antonio — with some answers to questions….

  • : iPhone 14 Plus
  • : 25 June, 2024
  • : no
  • : 5.7mm
  • : 250
  • : 1/60s

Sir John

Sir John Falstaff

From the epilogue of Shakespeare’s 2 Henry 4?

“Falstaff shall die of a sweat, unless already ’a be kill’d with your hard opinions; for Oldcastle died a martyr, and this is not the man.”

Saw the OldCastle name, made me think of that.

Bloom argues, rightfully so, that Falstaff was one of Shakespeare’s greatest characters, the Falstaff of King Henry the Fourth parts 1 & 2. Supposedly, the original manuscript name was Oldcastle.

Sir John Falstaff



Sir John Falstaff quote


  • : iPhone 14 Plus
  • : OldCastle
  • : 13 July, 2024
  • : no
  • : 5.7mm
  • : 50
  • : 1/365s

July 21, 2024 at the Eagles Nest in San Antonio

July 21, 2024 at the Eagles Nest in San Antonio

Eagles Nest
1235 Basse Rd
San Antonio, TX 78212
Store phone: 210-354-7343
11 AM – 5 PM

July 21, 2024 at the Eagles Nest in San Antonio

Sunday in San Antonio — with some answers to questions….

Mercury RX

Sunday! In San Antonio!

astrofish.net/travel for details

July 21, 2024 at the Eagles Nest in San Antonio

Keep Calm and See Kramer
Curious as to the astrological details?

There are two sources of data, seeing me in San Antonio this Sunday — or the weekly horoscopes.

July 21, 2024 at the Eagles Nest in San Antonio

It’s really him.”

Portable Mercury Retrograde – Kramer Wetzel

Portable Mercury Retrograde: astrofish.net’s Mercury in Retrograde

San Pedro Creek


Vincit Qui Primum Gerit

“First to arrive gets the best deal.”

Weekly Notify Email

  • : iPad Pro (11-inch)
  • : 26 August, 2023
  • : no
  • : 3mm
  • : 80
  • : 1/60s

If you heard

If you heard

If you heard something bad about me?

Might want to believe it.

If you heard

Tamora as Revenge

Tamora as Revenge

“I am Revenge, sent from th’ infernal kingdom
To ease the gnawing vulture of thy mind,
By working wreakful vengeance on thy foes.”

Tamora in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus (V.ii.31-3)

Tamora as Revenge



Horoscopes for 7-16-2024

Horoscopes for 7-16-2024

“Imagination of some great exploit
Drives him beyond the bounds of patience.”

Northumberland in Shakespeare’s 1 Henry IV (I.iii.199-200)

Horoscopes for 7-16-2024

Mercury at 21° Leo 7/17
Mars enters Gemini 7/20 3:44 PM
Full Moon 29° 8’ Cap/Can 7/21 5:16 AM
Moon conjunct Pluto 0°54’ Aquarius 7/21 8:14 AM
Sun into Leo 7/22 2:45 AM

Horoscopes for 7-16-2024

she is beautiful

Please support public libraries.


  • : iPhone 14 Plus
  • : 11 October, 2023
  • : no
  • : 5.7mm
  • : 50
  • : 1/371s

Mercury Patterns

Mercury Retrograde Patterns

There is an obviously emergent pattern to this late summer Mercury Retrograde Pattern, starts in Virgo, slips backwards to Leo, then grinds forward again — eventually, while the sun is in Leo.

But mostly not until Virgo.

Recitals? Mercury hit 20°-21° of Leo around July 16/17. Depends on the accounting system, and the measurements, but mid-July onward is a wash, as Mercury is in its shadow. Not bad, not good, just where things fall.

Mercury enters Virgo around July 25, getting to 4° Virgo August 4, turning retrograde August 5. Mercury slips backwards into Leo on August 15, finally stopping at 21° Leo on August 28 (turning stationary). Mercury doesn’t arrive back at 4° Virgo until September 12.

Mercury Retrograde Patterns

The shared elements are not unusual for a Mercury Retrograde Pattern. However, both signs, The Leo and Virgo are crossed with this particular synodic pattern, and its visual interpretations.

Astrologically, there is a lot to cover.

Practically, there’s even more, as this spins across two important pieces of the night’s horoscopic heavens. Part of this happens in The Leo, a fixed sign. Fire, but fixed, and in person, like I always say, “The best fixed fire sign.” But fixed energy is stubborn, and this is digging at something that might be best left alone.

The other part, though, is that touch of Virgo, a sign intimately associated with Mercury’s energies, a thinking sign, an analytical, thinking presence (and usually prescient.) So digging at something that might be best left alone is part of the questing from analytical Virgo.

Individual pieces of this suggests pointedly searching for more data, and part of this recommends not trying to dig up dirt on that situation.

How can we all use this Mercury Retrograde Pattern to our mutual (and personal) benefit?

What is the correct course of action, or inaction?

Mercury RX

Mercury Retrograde Patterns

Inherited from my patriarchal line, part genetics, as much as anything, I used to employ a “Pile It” form of organization. As an example, I would have three projects underway, a book I was editing, a book I was writing, and a presentation series.

Three projects. That means three piles, for starters. Each project gets its own columnar inception point, the first notes for the project, the completed manuscript, the rough draft, the material I think I will want to use.

The “Pile It” method works well within the framework etched by this Mercury Retrograde Pattern, as described with its combination of Virgo precision and Leo magnificence.

There are two parts, collection and collation. For the duration of this pattern? It’s about collection, as that Mercury in Virgo doesn’t really sort out the sorting out parts until September?

Collection and collation.

For more than 80% of the population, this should be about collection: collecting the data. The pieces, parts, things, points of information. We’ll figure out how to assemble, analyze, and interpret this stuff, afterwards.

Collection and collation. We curate later.

the Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde
  • : iPad Pro (11-inch)
  • : 26 August, 2023
  • : no
  • : 3mm
  • : 80
  • : 1/60s