Mercury Chronicles

Mercury Retrograde (again)

Merry FGS Xmas. This is coming to you as a friendly reminder about what the planets are doing right now. Yes, it's that time again, time for the topsey turvey world of Mercury going backwards.

Mercury takes about 88 days to go around the Sun. It take us about 365 days to accomplish the same orbit. What this means, is that a few times a year, Mercury looks like it is traveling backwards in relation to the rest of the stars in the night sky. What does it mean astrologically? Well, the easiest thing to do is to get under the bed and not come out for a few weeks. Since that's not a practical idea, a vacation is also a good idea. Which is where I am supposed to be right now. Too bad the plans went awry and I'm still working on vacation time. Oh yeah, and those dates for the little planet?

Mercury begins it's backwards tumble on December 23 and rights itself on January 12. Going to be an interesting time for all.

A nice and very specific example of what happens when Mercury goes retrograde is communications get fouled up. And even better example came in the form of this email from my father. (And sending this note out on the wire might be the same as some communications getting fouled up--if Mother ever finds out!)

>Your Mother came rushing home late in the
>afternoon from a meeting and was
>in a hurry to change clothes to go to her
>Yoga class. She parked in front
>of the house and rushed inside, forgetting to
>turn off the alarm. It went
>off and she had to rush to the panel,
>turn it of and then phoned to tell the
>police it was a false alarm. This always flusters
>her. Anyway,
>she changed into her yoga outfit and went
>to the door and looked out.
>Guess what, no car!
>She panicked and rushed out to the driveway.
>There was nothing to be seen
>to the left but she did see her car across street
>and part way up in the
>neighbors begonias! Apparently she had
>forgotten to put it in Park and
>some time while she was setting off the
>alarm and changing, the car took it
>upon itself to take a little spin. Mind you this
>was at about 6:25 PM - one
>of the busiest times of the day on that street.
>So in her inimitable way she strolled
>casually down the drive and across
>the street and after carefully looking
>around to see if anyone was
>watching jumped into her car and got
>ready to see if it would start.
>About that time a group in a fine Jaguar
>drove up and stopped to inquire
>if she was all right. She assured them she
>was started the car and
>carefully backed out of the begonias. As far as
>she can tell the car suffered
>no damage.

This is an excellent example of what happens when Mercury goes retrograde. One of my mother's fears is that I would publish just this sort of story. I didn't really publish it, it's just like my father wrote to me, so you can blame him. {That's the Sagittarius in me trying to avoid responsibility!} And it does illustrate a point: little things go wrong under this pejorative influence. Nothing too worry about, just double check to make sure you put the car in "Park" and check to see if the alarm is off, or on, as the case may be. And watch out for the neighbor's begonias.

Kramer Wetzel, FGS
Astrology home buoy

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