Monthly News of the World

copyright Kramer Wetzel, Austin, Texas

Subject: Dec Scopes

"Good Lord! What madness rules in brain-sick men!"
King Henry in Shakespeare's Henry VI, part 1 [IV.i.111]

No, you're not really brain sick it's just an impending Mercury RX period. But stay tuned because that little Mercury thing is just like a bad bearing in a wheel on the truck: it can be replaced. The bearing, not the truck. Those dates are 12/7 through 12/27.

Aries: For close to two years, this is the month that you've been waiting for. Almost. Except for this little Mercury trouble, and even the near month long RX period won't hit you too hard. Of course, it's going to affect those other signs and you will probably encounter opposition from them.

Taurus: Your chart for this December reminds me of my chart from last December. Imagine the fire department showing up when you fire up the family Yule Log. Perhaps my experience can help save you the trouble of having to call out the Big Red Trucks. Careful with anything flammable.

Gemini: Just like the pyrotechnics started last June {remember? right after our b-day?}, you've got a similar sort of thing going on right now, only your ma planet spends most of this month going backwards. Usual cautions apply, but have some fun, too.

Cancer: You will find that your attitude improves as the Big Day approaches. Just make sure you have all your packages before you go to the airport for that long sojourn back to your roots.

Leo: Stop, take a deep breath, exhale. Repeat as necessary. The approaching holidays are guaranteed to leave you frustrated--blame Mercury--remember, this is supposed t be a party time, so do what a good Leo does best, party on.

Virgo: If you can just keep from getting infected with the vision of insanity that always seems to rule at this time of the year, you will be okay. Of course, these holiday feelings are compounded, like interest on back due axes, by the little Mercury RX thing. Have a nice holiday!

Libra: I just knew I should have warned you Libra types about this Mercury RX a long time ago. Of course, it is going to upset your delicate sense of balance and fair play. It's like you bought some special holiday gifts, but you'll misplace these gifts until after the Mercury boondoggle is over.

Scorpio: I'm glad that Scorpio's understanding long range planning and strategy. The problem with Mercury RX vacations is that even carefully planned Scorpio ideas might take a little extra time. But the good news is that you get a heavenly lift this month. Well, sort of. Maybe it's more like a cosmic elbow in the ribs, but it's supposed to help, not hurt.

Sagittarius: This lovely month begins with a portentous new moon. So much for the good news. Read up on the Mercury RX issues because those are critical this month. And be extra careful with flammable vacation ideas, especially Yule Logs. You don't want the Fire Department out again this Christmas Eve.

Capricorn: If nothing, you are going to patient this month. With the Mercury warnings whining like a bad wheel bearing in the old truck, you've got a lot to deal with. The good news is that shortly after the shortest day of the year, your life begins t lift as your spirits improve. So does your astrology chart. Looks like your birthday will be wonderful. It's just getting there that's the challenge.

Aquarius: I could also repeat the same thing I suggested for Capricorn because it also applies to you except that it's not your birthday month yet. That's not until sometime next year. But after the holiday commotion, there is a sudden shift, almost like an early birthday present. Maybe it's just a late Xmas present, due to the Mercury thing, but it arrives and you begin to feel much, much better.

Pisces: The god news is that most of the Mercurial matters will skip you. The hard part, though, is that they won't skip the rest of the 11 signs, and if you can't limit your interactions to just fellow Pisces, you might find yourself getting cranky with us. Please! Pisces, we're doing the best that we can. Forgive us! As usual, I keep predicting good fortune, and once again, all I'm asking for is 1%.

(c) Copyright Kramer Wetzel, 1997, 1998.
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Kramer Wetzel
Vincit qui primum gerit
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