Monthly News of the World

copyright Kramer Wetzel, Austin, Texas

Subject: Nov Scopes

"How viley doth this cynic rhyme!"

Cassius in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar [IV.ii.132]

Hot topics for this month include anything that has to do with Fire and Water. The month begins with a Scorpio New Moon, and it ends with a Sagittarius New Moon. The water signs are feeling fiery, and the fire signs
are feeling watery.

Aries: There's a certain kind of Scorpio flavor to this month for the sign of the Ram. I would suggest that you review your Scorpio notes to understand what this concept means. They good news is that you are entering into the last vestiges of the Saturn thing which means the obstacles of the last year or two will finally get relieved. The (hopefully figuratively) bypass surgery will be a success.

Taurus: It's sort of like a halfway point in the year for you, but the nice thing to think about is the fact that life gets ever so much better, right around the T-day Holiday. Watch your rapier-like wit, though, no use cutting something to shreds if you are only going to be coerced into mending it later.

Gemini: You've been altogether too busy with work, and suddenly, a holiday spirit is upon you. It's too early to conjure up images of Christmas Past, Present and Future, but you might want to think about that last one now.

Cancer: I hope the move is going well, because any big change in housing arrangements can cause quite a shock to the Cancer system. Like the rest of the water signs, there is a certain amount of intensity this month which all comes from another side of the zodiac. Enjoy these feelings, and and watch for an ever better lucky break on your romance.

Leo: By now, mighty Leo, you are used to the Jupiter effect which feels like it has affected you with its effect. Romance is a hot topic for you this month as Mars and Venus finish there game of tag in Sagittarius and move on over to Capricorn. Figure that new possibilities, either with your current flame, or with a new one, are what's up this month.

Virgo: Here we are again, talking about this "fated love" thing which keeps reminding me of an old 80's song about "tainted love." I would use my good Virgo sensibility to make sure that you don't confuse the two. Either way, a strong interest in a particular someone else has a chance this month.

Libra: This month looks like it is full of profit and travel. Hopefully, you will be able to combine both. The common Libra ideal of balance is more of a concept and less of a reality this month as Scorpio plays an important part of your travel plans. One way or another, some of your big plans are going to pay off really well.

Scorpio: Except for a few Scorpio's, this is b-day time so have a good one! This month looks good for any one of a number of endeavors -- the only catch is that your driving is a little suspect. And one other thing: speculation. The normally astute Scorpio investor might not make the best monetary decisions this month. It's always better to err with discretion, if you know what I mean. Be discrete.

Sagittarius: Mars and Venus leave the sign of the Archer early in the month, but Mercury stays in here almost all month. Drop the love interest early in the month, and stick to a mundane topic like making money for the rest of the month.

Capricorn: The Sea Goat gets a shot at the romance enhance thing this month and you'll be feeling ever so buoyant, even effervescent as you turn in some crowd pleasing performances in the early part of the month. As T-day gets closer, though, you might want to consolidate your energies, and pick one project, or person, to work on.

Aquarius: As much as this pains me to suggest it, and despite all the nice "Lucky Star" influences, this is a good time to assess what directions you want to go. It's like trying to make a vacation decision without all the travel brochures. This isn't the best month to trust your own, innate sense Find some one with a travel guide.

Pisces: If you hold your mouth just right, or close your eyes and click your heels together three times, you can make that wish come true. This offer is void where prohibited by natural or artificial laws. Of course, that's not something you have to worry about.

Copyright 1997 by Kramer Wetzel Please feel free too forward or repost, but please include everything done to the end of signature.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, alturum viditur

Nov. 8 & 9 Corpus Christi, TX
Nov. 14-15, Austin, TX

Kramer Wetzel
Vincit qui primum gerit
AOL Keyword: Kramer

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