Monthly News of the World

copyright Kramer Wetzel, Austin, Texas

7/97 ñHappy star reign now!î

Camillo in ShakespeareÍs

WinterÍs Tale (Act I, scene ii)

What a nice sentiment, ñhappy star reign now!î So much for the good news. The astrology computer tells me that the stars are lining up in a most magnificent way.

Aries [3/21-4/19]: Being a fire sign and all, IÍm sure you would welcome some indication that relief is on its way. Something. Anything. It is on its way, thatÍs the good news. The problem is this refreshing new attitude doesnÍt make itself felt strongly until the middle of this month. DonÍt despair, and be careful with the fireworks.

Taurus [4/20-5/20]: Ever watch the ñwaveî at a stadium? All that standing up and sitting down seems to be a lot of effort. The problem this month is the big picture, and you seem to have lost your place in this big picture. Imagine if you understand your integral part of the wave, shouldnÍt that help? So figure where you are, and try to see yourself in the larger format.

Gemini [5/21-6/20]: IÍve been accused of leveling unkind charges at Gemini. And once again, IÍll insert the standard disclaimer about how much I love Gemini. I donÍt want to suggest that the typically vociferous Gemini is making a lot of agitated racket this month, but it could happen. In any case, the Gemini world rocks right now.

Cancer [6/21-7/22]: Wish Bubba a happy birthday this month. I think he turns 30. Or maybe thatÍs 29, I can never remember. And wish him the best of luck with romance because thatÍs a hot topic with all of the gentle moon children. Little romance sparks can ignite big brush fires this month.

Leo [7/23-8/22]: ItÍs birthday time in Leo. And along with that comes a visit from Venus. Now, donÍt get in an all fired up hurry to celebrate that Leo birthday too soon. Let the stars catch up with you. Take it easy in the first of the month and watch as events conspire to make your life good later this month.

Virgo [8/23-9/22]: Ever want to go back to a 1950Ís sitcom and live the simple life? Or how about a 1970Ís updated version? Or whatÍs really scary is the alarming trend to see feature length films produced from this stuff. With a lot of little planets in your sun sign, you might feel like a remake of one of remakes of reruns. I hope this means you will realize the difference between the campy original and the modern variation.

Libra [9/23-10/22]: Mars is going to be in Libra for the whole month. Better get used to the extra energy just be careful with your cars because ñcarsî and ñMarsî always go hand and hand. And look forward to finding some happy resolution to the problem that started on ValentineÍs Day {you know what I mean}.

Scorpio [10/23-11/21]: Stuck between a rock and a hard place? CanÍt decide whether to flip or fly? Having a tough time trying figure out whether to fish or cut bait? Worst of all, tired of questions from Know-It-All astrologers? The good news is you will receive answers to these questions, and that really important question, later this month.

Sagittarius [11/22-12/21]: Even though the lucky star is moving with you, there is enough interesting movement in the planets that you still feel a little restless. You feel like something big is about to happen, only you donÍt know what. Imitate your symbol, that plucky arrow pointing forward and upward„youÍll be happier. Try to work in a trip to the coast this month. I will.

Capricorn [12/22-1/19]: ItÍs going to be an incredible month. That means incredible in a good way, or incredible in a ñchallengingî way. You make the call. Mars and Venus will be serving you this month, either as irritants or supplements. And this month is going to be one of those where you make the best of what comes along. ThatÍs the true key to happiness. Now, about finding the right lock for that key....

Aquarius [1/20-2/18]: Relax, chill out, take a load off, this is the long and hard days of summer. YouÍve got an extra amount of life in your life right now, sort of likes an unnatural spring in your step, an extra sparkle in your eye. DonÍt let the dog days of summer slow you down.

Pisces [2/19-3/20]: I really should get a little preachy with you right now, something about ñhug a treeî but I always prefer, ñthink globally, act locallyî because it makes more sense to me. Just because something is happening on a local level, doesnÍt mean it it wonÍt have larger implications in your life. And I still stand fast by my idea that you are supposed to be making some money right now. You should be feeling some kind of financial relief.